After the Catholic Monarchs conquered of Granada in 1492, they founded a hermitage of the Holy Martyrs.

1573: The Barefoot Carmelite settle in the hermitage of the Martyrs.

1582: San Juan de la Cruz is “prior” until 1588, writing most of his works here.

1843. Demolition of the convent.

1934. The Duque del Infantado is the owner of the Carmen.

Years later the property was divided and sold. One of its parts went through several families before being bought in the late-1950's by D. Horacio del Árbol Navarro for use as a second house. He hired one of the most prestigious architects of Granada, D. Diego Guarderas, to design a building that would keep the lines and the enchantment of the previous one and at the same time would perfectly merge with its surroundings. Many details were taken into account so the building would make a remarkable difference on the houses of the urban area.

When the work was finished it was immediately reckoned as a remarkable of the beauty and respect to the environment that are essential to the traditional architecture of Granada.